
Can you describe your favorite singer in 3 words? In the film “Springsteen & I” fans of The Boss try to do just that. “Passion” was popular, as was “intensity.”

I’ll add my own to the list: Heart. Soul. Joy.

“Joy” may seem odd, given that some of Bruce’s songs are just downright depressing. But if you’re fortunate enough to have seen Springsteen perform live, you know “joy” is an accurate description of his concerts (which are more like rock concerts/revival meetings/political rallies). His enthusiasm and energy on stage are contagious and you can’t help but leap to your feet and dance.

“Springsteen & I” captures that essence of a Springsteen show. The film is made up of fan submitted clips of their stories and memories of the musician, and highlights the relationship Bruce has with his fans. If you’re one of them, I highly recommend you go see this film.

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